Saturday, 8 November 2014

hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian ~ Hikmah pasti ada ^^,

salam alayk.

get started with nice saturday morning, Alhamdulillah everything going fine from the started, then proceed with my MUET for today. may the best from Him to us. dont have any stories to be told actually, indeed just one to share about one thing. what it is ? its about what we called HIKMAH;

yes. deep down insde urself, when something bad get happened to us, we would felt down, heart-broken, flying spirits and many moore lah, but indeed we forget the HIkmAh of the things. know what buddies ? Allah love us so much as among those single things we do in lifetime whether good or bad will be recount but with His love and mercy we could enter the Jannah. Allahu Akbar.

one wors to say,


be thankful =]

*broken english*